Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One Week Late, But Congrats To...


And BTW, this was probably the best finale I've seen yet. I loved Kris' reaction!

So, thanks for hangin' out with me this year.
I promise next year will be better because I won't be pregnant/having a baby/travelling so much.
So here's to a successful season of AI!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Hour of Fun, Except for a Horrific Songwriting Catastophe

Last night's performance was awesome...until Adam and Kris had to sing Kara's song "No Boundaries". The wind was let out of my sail and instead of feeling excited for tonight's finale, I was sad.


Adam Lambert
Favorite Performance of the Season
"Mad World" by Tears for Fears
I will admit that this was one of Adams best performances; so intimate and delicate, yet very powerful. I was feeling it again last night. I was so happy that he chose that song. It showed his control, which was the best I've ever seen throughout Idol's history. Other than the retarded comparison to Twilight's Edward with Adam's trench coat, the judges were dead on tonight.
Simon Fuller's Pick
"A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke
This was a charged-up performance, definitely Adam-style. It was a good performance, but definitely not my favorite by far. I do think that Adam trumped Kris in this round though because he was on fire.
Writer's Choice
"No Boundaries" co-written by Kara
Without talking about the actual song, let's talk about Adam (we'll get to the song in a bit). This obviously is not Adam's style of song. I didn't like his performance at all. There was no pizzazz to it, no sounded like he was yelling a lot of it. At least the song was in his range, right?
Kris Allen
Favorite Performance of the Season
"Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers
AWESOME! SPECTCULAR! FABULOUS! This was Kris' best performance EVER! The vocals were out of this world, the ambience was perfect...I loved the style and loved that he was behind the piano. What a true Kris performance. He totally outsang Adam on this round and deserved every bit of praise that he got.
Simon Fuller's Choice
"What's Goin' On" by Marvin Gaye
Yes, this was laidback like every other performance that Kris has given so far. I'm glad he stayed true to himself and stayed on the guitar. How cool to have a stripped down band next to you, just being able to groove. I felt like I should have been sitting on a patio, sipping a latte, watching Kris just go. Yah, there were a couple of weird notes at the beginning and it sounded a little uncomfortable, but he definitely got into it. I don't agree that he should have brought a more electric performance, just because it was the last show. If you're going to show what kind of artist you're going to be, why not be who you are?
Writer's Choice
"No Boundaries" co-written by Kara
Again, without talking about the song, let's talk about Kris. This song wasn't his style either and wasn't in a comfortable range for him either. Why he didn't change the key, I don't know, but he definitely looked uncomfortable singing this song on-stage.

So, I was so disappointed at the end of the show because of Kara's stupid song. I think she even looked slightly embarrassed that each contestant did such a horrible job with the song she helped write. They should've just had the song-writing competition again. They seem to come up with better songs that way...and this may have been Kara's death sentence. It had too many words, no hook and a horrible chorus. I felt so let down by Idol last night. Boo Kara! Don't ever write a song for Idol again!

On a funnier note, is Paula trying to be a different nationality or something? She was so BROWN last night and her green shirt wasn't helping any. Every time they panned to her I felt like laughing. Oh Paula...really, what would the show be without the "funny" one?

And let's not forget Randy and his Purple People-Eater ensemble. He had three different designs of purple on...plaid, stripes and polka dot. Whoever dresses him needs to be put in time-out. Hee, hee!

Basically, what it comes down to is this: tonight is going to be too close to call. Adam rocks, but so does Kris...they both had an outstanding performance last night, along with an okay performance...and an atrocious performance. They're tied in my eyes, but if I really have to vote for one, I would pick...

Kris Allen!
Adam would be much better off without an "Idolized" album...he needs his own album without Idol hanging onto his back. Plus, he'd have to have that atrocious song on his album (unless Idol is smart and axes it) AND he'd have to sing it tonight on the finale. Kris sounded a little better singing it, even though it wasn't in his key, it was more his style. (Yuck, blah, blech.)

We'll find out tonight, 8 PM PST, who takes the title of the 8th American Idol. Stay tuned!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hold on to Your Hats, Folks

Can you believe it? We said good-bye to

Danny Gokey

Honestly, I thought that there was an extremely slim chance that Danny would get voted off tonight. I mean, everyone and their mother knew it was going to be a Danny/Adam showdown for the finale...we just KNEW it.

So much for that. Congratulations to Kris, who looked as shocked as the judges when Ryan announced his name first. Next week could be a close call...who knows after what happened tonight?


Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Down to the Good Stuff

This was probably my favorite episode so far. All of the performances were above-average and honestly, it can be anyone's game at this point. Let's dig in to our


Danny Gokey
Paula's Choice: "Dance, Little Sister" by Terence Trent D'Arby

I don't know the song, but I wanted to get up and dance myself when Danny was singing this (alas, I had a baby sitting in my lap at the time...she might not have been too happy about being removed). I thought it was classy, upbeat (thank the Lord it wasn't a ballad) and a fantastic performance overall. It was the perfect choice for his voice; he hit all the right notes at the right time. Just fantastic!

Personal Choice: "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker
This could have been a tear-jerker. Danny pulled off an absolutely beautiful rendition of this song. I'm surprised he didn't start crying himself. Again, a perfect song choice. He was able to play with it a little and made it worth listening to (not that the original isn't).

Kris Allen
Randy/Kara's Choice: "Apologize" by One Republic

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song and was so excited that he was going to be singing it. On one hand, I see where Kara was coming from; the song was not changed in almost any ways, but sorry Kara, Kris still sang it so well. I seriously was grinning the whole time. And Simon did have a point; if she had wanted Kris to do something different with it, maybe she should have said something from the beginning. I thought it was really good.

Personal Choice: "Heartless" by Kanye West
I'm not a huge Kanye fan, but I do like this song and thought Kris totally rocked! It was a fun song choice and I hope he doesn't ever regret picking it. It was definitely something different and I think that it might have been the shoe to kick him up a notch.

Adam Lambert
Simon's Choice: "One" by U2

Like I didn't see that coming; the most obnoxious judge picking the song for the most talented performer on the show. Ha! Of course, Adam did a fantastic job with the song. He sounded a little shrieky, but hey, I guess it's just his style. The high notes were awesome and he definitely rocked the stage.

Personal Choice: "Cryin'" by Aerosmith
Steven Tyler has the range, so why not? Awesome job on the song; it was a great song choice for his style of singing. Has he ever pulled in an actual BAD performance? No...maybe not my favorites tonight, but he's a shoe-in for tomorrow for shizzle.

So, I'm torn between Danny and Kris. They both did fantastic tonight; yes, Danny has a huge fan base, but obviously, so does Kris since he made it this far. But because I think Danny has a larger fan base than Kris, I'm going to pick Kris as the one to leave tomorrow night. He's a cutie, has a nice voice to listen to and has been fun to watch, but I think Danny overshadowed him just a little bit tonight.

But I won't be surprised if it's the other way around. Kris pulled in some good performances tonight. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Kris Allen

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Actually a Little Shocked

I was definitely a little shocked when we said good-bye to

Allison Iraheta

I don't feel that she pulled in a really BAD performance last night, next to Kris' forgettable song and Danny's shrieking. But you know, she lasted as long as she did, she's just barely 17...she has plenty of time to become big, which she may become. This only makes next week more exciting!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Classic Rock = Some Classic Performances

Okay, all together: "Oooh, Slaaash."

Now that that's out of our system, I have to say that all the performances were great. I honestly didn't think that Kris and Allison would make it as far as they have, but they do have some great pipes.

The Top 4

Adam Lambert
"Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zepplin

Seriously, why hasn't he been signed to a label before this? He's got this amazing talent and has never pulled an actual BAD performance. This guy is in it to win and I think that his rendition of this song was boss (yah, I said boss). He only gets me more and more excited for the finale!

Allison Iraheta
"Cry Baby" by Janis Joplin

I think she pulled off a decent version of this song. She totally has the voice to sing Joplin too. Yah, maybe a different Joplin song would have been better (how about Bobby McGee), but she still rocked the house. And to be honest, I really REALLY liked her hair tonight! Buuuut, because she's the only girl left, I'm thinking she's my #2 pick to go home.

Kris Allen
"Come Together" by the Beatles

Nope, this did not cut it for me. All I kept thinking of was Carly Smithson's rendition of this song, which blew his out of the water. It was a little too folksy for me, a little too laid back. He's my #1 pick to go home. Sorry Kris!

Danny Gokey
"Dream On" by Aerosmith

Hmm. I was torn on this performance. I thought he was doing good, then he pulled out those high notes and they sounded really raspy and pushed. I just don't know. If he didn' t have a huge fan base behind him, I would say that he was in danger of going home. He's my alternate pick for the night, but I think he'll be safe.

I really liked the duets a lot. I think that Danny and Kris really complimented each other and so did Adam and Allison. With that being said, I agreed with Simon that Allison singing with Adam might have saved her this week. It's so true. They really did well.

Rumors are swirling that Kara isn't going to be around for next season (oh well...she's not bringing anything different to the show) and that maybe Simon won't be around (now that's a shame because I almost always agree with him). Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Kris Allen
Allison Iraheta

Danny Gokey

Make sure you're only voting for your Bottom 2!!!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?