Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One Week Late, But Congrats To...


And BTW, this was probably the best finale I've seen yet. I loved Kris' reaction!

So, thanks for hangin' out with me this year.
I promise next year will be better because I won't be pregnant/having a baby/travelling so much.
So here's to a successful season of AI!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Hour of Fun, Except for a Horrific Songwriting Catastophe

Last night's performance was awesome...until Adam and Kris had to sing Kara's song "No Boundaries". The wind was let out of my sail and instead of feeling excited for tonight's finale, I was sad.


Adam Lambert
Favorite Performance of the Season
"Mad World" by Tears for Fears
I will admit that this was one of Adams best performances; so intimate and delicate, yet very powerful. I was feeling it again last night. I was so happy that he chose that song. It showed his control, which was the best I've ever seen throughout Idol's history. Other than the retarded comparison to Twilight's Edward with Adam's trench coat, the judges were dead on tonight.
Simon Fuller's Pick
"A Change is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke
This was a charged-up performance, definitely Adam-style. It was a good performance, but definitely not my favorite by far. I do think that Adam trumped Kris in this round though because he was on fire.
Writer's Choice
"No Boundaries" co-written by Kara
Without talking about the actual song, let's talk about Adam (we'll get to the song in a bit). This obviously is not Adam's style of song. I didn't like his performance at all. There was no pizzazz to it, no sounded like he was yelling a lot of it. At least the song was in his range, right?
Kris Allen
Favorite Performance of the Season
"Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers
AWESOME! SPECTCULAR! FABULOUS! This was Kris' best performance EVER! The vocals were out of this world, the ambience was perfect...I loved the style and loved that he was behind the piano. What a true Kris performance. He totally outsang Adam on this round and deserved every bit of praise that he got.
Simon Fuller's Choice
"What's Goin' On" by Marvin Gaye
Yes, this was laidback like every other performance that Kris has given so far. I'm glad he stayed true to himself and stayed on the guitar. How cool to have a stripped down band next to you, just being able to groove. I felt like I should have been sitting on a patio, sipping a latte, watching Kris just go. Yah, there were a couple of weird notes at the beginning and it sounded a little uncomfortable, but he definitely got into it. I don't agree that he should have brought a more electric performance, just because it was the last show. If you're going to show what kind of artist you're going to be, why not be who you are?
Writer's Choice
"No Boundaries" co-written by Kara
Again, without talking about the song, let's talk about Kris. This song wasn't his style either and wasn't in a comfortable range for him either. Why he didn't change the key, I don't know, but he definitely looked uncomfortable singing this song on-stage.

So, I was so disappointed at the end of the show because of Kara's stupid song. I think she even looked slightly embarrassed that each contestant did such a horrible job with the song she helped write. They should've just had the song-writing competition again. They seem to come up with better songs that way...and this may have been Kara's death sentence. It had too many words, no hook and a horrible chorus. I felt so let down by Idol last night. Boo Kara! Don't ever write a song for Idol again!

On a funnier note, is Paula trying to be a different nationality or something? She was so BROWN last night and her green shirt wasn't helping any. Every time they panned to her I felt like laughing. Oh Paula...really, what would the show be without the "funny" one?

And let's not forget Randy and his Purple People-Eater ensemble. He had three different designs of purple on...plaid, stripes and polka dot. Whoever dresses him needs to be put in time-out. Hee, hee!

Basically, what it comes down to is this: tonight is going to be too close to call. Adam rocks, but so does Kris...they both had an outstanding performance last night, along with an okay performance...and an atrocious performance. They're tied in my eyes, but if I really have to vote for one, I would pick...

Kris Allen!
Adam would be much better off without an "Idolized" album...he needs his own album without Idol hanging onto his back. Plus, he'd have to have that atrocious song on his album (unless Idol is smart and axes it) AND he'd have to sing it tonight on the finale. Kris sounded a little better singing it, even though it wasn't in his key, it was more his style. (Yuck, blah, blech.)

We'll find out tonight, 8 PM PST, who takes the title of the 8th American Idol. Stay tuned!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hold on to Your Hats, Folks

Can you believe it? We said good-bye to

Danny Gokey

Honestly, I thought that there was an extremely slim chance that Danny would get voted off tonight. I mean, everyone and their mother knew it was going to be a Danny/Adam showdown for the finale...we just KNEW it.

So much for that. Congratulations to Kris, who looked as shocked as the judges when Ryan announced his name first. Next week could be a close call...who knows after what happened tonight?


Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Down to the Good Stuff

This was probably my favorite episode so far. All of the performances were above-average and honestly, it can be anyone's game at this point. Let's dig in to our


Danny Gokey
Paula's Choice: "Dance, Little Sister" by Terence Trent D'Arby

I don't know the song, but I wanted to get up and dance myself when Danny was singing this (alas, I had a baby sitting in my lap at the time...she might not have been too happy about being removed). I thought it was classy, upbeat (thank the Lord it wasn't a ballad) and a fantastic performance overall. It was the perfect choice for his voice; he hit all the right notes at the right time. Just fantastic!

Personal Choice: "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker
This could have been a tear-jerker. Danny pulled off an absolutely beautiful rendition of this song. I'm surprised he didn't start crying himself. Again, a perfect song choice. He was able to play with it a little and made it worth listening to (not that the original isn't).

Kris Allen
Randy/Kara's Choice: "Apologize" by One Republic

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song and was so excited that he was going to be singing it. On one hand, I see where Kara was coming from; the song was not changed in almost any ways, but sorry Kara, Kris still sang it so well. I seriously was grinning the whole time. And Simon did have a point; if she had wanted Kris to do something different with it, maybe she should have said something from the beginning. I thought it was really good.

Personal Choice: "Heartless" by Kanye West
I'm not a huge Kanye fan, but I do like this song and thought Kris totally rocked! It was a fun song choice and I hope he doesn't ever regret picking it. It was definitely something different and I think that it might have been the shoe to kick him up a notch.

Adam Lambert
Simon's Choice: "One" by U2

Like I didn't see that coming; the most obnoxious judge picking the song for the most talented performer on the show. Ha! Of course, Adam did a fantastic job with the song. He sounded a little shrieky, but hey, I guess it's just his style. The high notes were awesome and he definitely rocked the stage.

Personal Choice: "Cryin'" by Aerosmith
Steven Tyler has the range, so why not? Awesome job on the song; it was a great song choice for his style of singing. Has he ever pulled in an actual BAD performance? No...maybe not my favorites tonight, but he's a shoe-in for tomorrow for shizzle.

So, I'm torn between Danny and Kris. They both did fantastic tonight; yes, Danny has a huge fan base, but obviously, so does Kris since he made it this far. But because I think Danny has a larger fan base than Kris, I'm going to pick Kris as the one to leave tomorrow night. He's a cutie, has a nice voice to listen to and has been fun to watch, but I think Danny overshadowed him just a little bit tonight.

But I won't be surprised if it's the other way around. Kris pulled in some good performances tonight. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Kris Allen

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Actually a Little Shocked

I was definitely a little shocked when we said good-bye to

Allison Iraheta

I don't feel that she pulled in a really BAD performance last night, next to Kris' forgettable song and Danny's shrieking. But you know, she lasted as long as she did, she's just barely 17...she has plenty of time to become big, which she may become. This only makes next week more exciting!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Classic Rock = Some Classic Performances

Okay, all together: "Oooh, Slaaash."

Now that that's out of our system, I have to say that all the performances were great. I honestly didn't think that Kris and Allison would make it as far as they have, but they do have some great pipes.

The Top 4

Adam Lambert
"Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zepplin

Seriously, why hasn't he been signed to a label before this? He's got this amazing talent and has never pulled an actual BAD performance. This guy is in it to win and I think that his rendition of this song was boss (yah, I said boss). He only gets me more and more excited for the finale!

Allison Iraheta
"Cry Baby" by Janis Joplin

I think she pulled off a decent version of this song. She totally has the voice to sing Joplin too. Yah, maybe a different Joplin song would have been better (how about Bobby McGee), but she still rocked the house. And to be honest, I really REALLY liked her hair tonight! Buuuut, because she's the only girl left, I'm thinking she's my #2 pick to go home.

Kris Allen
"Come Together" by the Beatles

Nope, this did not cut it for me. All I kept thinking of was Carly Smithson's rendition of this song, which blew his out of the water. It was a little too folksy for me, a little too laid back. He's my #1 pick to go home. Sorry Kris!

Danny Gokey
"Dream On" by Aerosmith

Hmm. I was torn on this performance. I thought he was doing good, then he pulled out those high notes and they sounded really raspy and pushed. I just don't know. If he didn' t have a huge fan base behind him, I would say that he was in danger of going home. He's my alternate pick for the night, but I think he'll be safe.

I really liked the duets a lot. I think that Danny and Kris really complimented each other and so did Adam and Allison. With that being said, I agreed with Simon that Allison singing with Adam might have saved her this week. It's so true. They really did well.

Rumors are swirling that Kara isn't going to be around for next season (oh well...she's not bringing anything different to the show) and that maybe Simon won't be around (now that's a shame because I almost always agree with him). Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Kris Allen
Allison Iraheta

Danny Gokey

Make sure you're only voting for your Bottom 2!!!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Technical Difficulties

Bummer...I had worship practice tonight, so I thought I would YouTube the performances. Alas, YouTube is having difficulties, hence my lack of a post tonight. Guess I'll have to wait until the morning to give my opinions!!!
Bear with me!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good-Bye Two You

Since Matt was saved last week, two people had to go home this week...
and they are:

Lil Rounds


Anoop Desai

Lil just wasn't bringing it at all. She never found her niche. Anoop has a great voice, but never brought any game.

We're gettin' down to the goods, folks!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who Will Survive?

Disco Week...always works for a few, but not the whole group. However, we've only seen a few performances in the past Idol seasons where a contestant took a song from that era and twisted it into their own (ie. Chris Daughtry, David Cook). Overall, it's harder and harder to choose bad performances when you don't have A) horrible performances to choose from and B) a lot of bad singers left.


Kris Allen
She Works Hard for the Money
I love the funkiness of his take on this song! I think Kris is getting better with each performance. He knows what he's good at and he knows how to deliver it. I think he may end up surprising us.

Adam Lambert
If I Can't Have You
Just my honest opinion, I didn't really like this song, but he did a really good job on the vocals as usual. It sounded emotional and almost like he was singing to someone who broke his heart. Very good.

Danny Gokey
Really strong vocals...I like that it was an upbeat song. This was a good performance from him for sure. Not really one of my favorites, but still worked for him.

Allison Iraheta
Hot Stuff
Tooooo slooooooow and I agree with the judges; not a good arrangement. It almost reminds me of Vanilla Ninja. I think she could have done some better things with this song. And I don't think it showed her off very well. She's my #2 pick for my bottom 3.

Matt Giraud
Staying Alive
This is a HARD song to sing, but I think Matt pulled it off. Sounding Justin Timberlake-esque once more, I think he's extremely lucky that he got saved last week. I liked it a lot. He did a lot of fun things with this song. BUT, he's going to have to be my alternate for this week.

Lil Rounds
I'm Every Woman
I think she did an okay job, but in the middle it started to get weird with her oohs...sounded really pitchy. I just don't think she's found her niche yet. She's my #1 pick for my bottom 3.

Anoop Desai
Dim All the Lights
Hmm...I'm torn on this song. I think he sounded okay, but it just didn't sound right. Maybe it was the arrangement or the song itself, but I had a hard time liking this one. He's my #3 pick for my bottom 3.

Lil Rounds
Allison Iraheta
Anoop Desai

Matt Giraud

So, remember, since they saved Matt last week, two people are going home tomorrow!
Who will it be???


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And My Jaw Did Drop!

This was a night to be shocked; at least I was! Not only was I surprised that Matt was voted off, rather than Lil...


They used their one and only save for Matt Giraud. I think this may come back to bite them. I guess I'm kind of happy since I like Matt's style, but he'd better take this opportunity and run with it because next week TWO PEOPLE ARE GONE!

Sources close to me (and I have to agree with this) say that Matt needs to remove the mole in the middle of his forehead if he wants to get a lady.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

And the Ballads Take Over...

Folks, this was probably one of my least favorite nights (next to Michael Jackson, of course). Everyone sang a slow, love song/ballad, with the exception of fantastic Adam Lambert. This proved to be an almost boring and predictable show. Hence, my comments on


Allison Iraheta
"I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
from the movie "Armageddon"
I like the "doomsday" movies! Okay, just had to put that out there. Now, I thought this was a terrible song for Allison to sing. 1, it was too breathy at the beginning because 2, it was too low for her fantastic voice and 3, this was WAY too safe. She knew there was no way she could emulate Steven Tyler's vocals, so she dropped it a million keys and REALLY sounded like a smoker. And Paula, don't EVER put Allison and Adam in the same class...they can't compare. Anyhow, she's treading on thin ice, even if she is the better of the two girls. She is my #3 pick for my bottom 3.

Anoop "Dog" Desai
"Everything I Do, I Do it For You" by Bryan Adams
from the movie "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"
I LOVE this movie (yes, it's because Kevin Costner shows his what) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bryan Adams. He has the sexiest voice (even if he is starting to look a little unattractive). Um, yah, so Anoop sang his usual smooth vocals for his usual ballad. It was the same ole', same ole' for me. I think he'll be safe this week, but dude, step it up a notch, aight?

Adam Lambert
"Born to Be Wild" by Steppenwolf
from the movie "Easy Rider"
WHOOOOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEE! Once again, totally awesome! That last note he hit was phenomenal. I actually kind of agreed with Simon, that last week was better than this week, but he still rocked the house. How has Adam never been signed before???? Unless AI pulls a Daughtry, Lambert is #1.

Matt Giraud
"When You Love a Woman" by Bryan Adams
from the movie "Don Juan DeMarco"
Loved the movie and again, LOVE B.A. With that said and done, Matt, oh Matt...I was so disappointed this time. I didn't like the performance at all. The song got so lost in his runs and he was really pitchy at the bridge. This was not a song for him at all. This definitely will put him in the bottom. In fact, he's my #2 pick for my bottom 3.

Danny Gokey
"Endless Love" by Lionel Ritchie
from the movie "Endless Love"
Same old Danny, same old powerful song, same old results. He hasn't brought anything different to the table. For this one time, I will agree with fellow blogger Renee and not like Danny tonight. But because he is so popular, he's just my alternate pick for tonight.

Kris Allen
"Falling Slowly" by the Frames
from the movie "Once"
I really liked this song. It was so pretty and beautiful. I love Kris' falsetto...I personally think he did a really good job tonight, even if Randy didn't like it. He could be the underdog...who knows!

Lil Rounds
"The Rose" by Bette Midler
from the movie "The Rose"
Oh Lil, Lil, Lil...this is awful. When will you find yourself? The gospel part of this song was actually very good, but the rest of it was horrible. I found myself cringing, especially at the end. I'm sorry sweetheart, but I think you need to go home. She's my #1 pick for my bottom 3.

I LIKED that only 2 judges went each time, although I would have loved to hear Simon's comments on a few performances.

Why was Quentin Tarantino there? He's a director, not a musician. (Yes, I'm still asking why Paula is there too.)

Was anyone else shielding their eyes any time Paula stood up? Could she have had any more diamonds on her dress?

And what was up with Paula's comment about the road being long and hard to Lil? Yes, she lived through a tornado, but if she's talking about her stay on AI, save your breath.

Lil Rounds
Matt Giraud
Allison Iraheta

Danny Gokey

Yes, this week we'll still be voting for week will be 2.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MacIntyre Out

Maybe it's a tad overdue, but we say adios to

Scott MacIntyre

Yes, his story was inspirational...he'll be on the tour, I'm sure he'll make an album...but it was his time.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An '80's Shakedown

The theme for tonight's show was "The Year You Were Born". These always prove to be interesting, considering that they're always older songs. (Um, side note...seeing so many contestants born AFTER 1981 actually makes me feel kind of old.) Anyhow, this season had some good ones, so check it out:


Danny Gokey
"Stand By Me" by Mickey Gilley
It was like some nasty elevator/lounge music version and I disliked it very much. But I did like the last 20 seconds of the song as it got more upbeat. He's got that powerful voice (and sad back story), so he's definitely safe this week, but I hope he picks something better next week. I just didn't like this version at all.

Kris Allen
"All She Wants to Do is Dance" by Don Henley
That was a fun song to listen to, but not fantastic. I'll say this much, Kris is good, but he's not going to win this competition. He'll be safe this week, but as the number is whittled down, he's going to be on the chopping block sooner than later. He has a nice voice and better stage presence than when he first started.

Lil Rounds
"What's Love Got to Do With It" by Tina Turner
This was a second-rate version of the original. And there was nothing original about it. I thought Lil was going to be a powerhouse this season, but she hasn't found her niche yet. She is struggling each week and has yet to turn in a good performance. I just don't think she cut it this week. She's my #1 pick for my Bottom 3.

Anoop Desai
"True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper
I think ballads are Anoop's calling. This song was very smooth and well done. I loved the high note he hit at the end. But it's becoming reminiscent of all his other ballads...he's not very versatile and I think that might hurt him. He's my alternate pick.

Scott MacIntyre
"The Search is Over" by Survivor
First of all, BRAVO Scott for getting out from behind the piano. Yes, you looked awkward standing there with your electric guitar, but nonetheless you tried something new. Now, as for the song you picked...not so good. He sounded okay, but once he hit those high notes, it sounded like he was trying way too hard. I don't think he's going to be around much longer. He's my #2 pick for my Bottom 3.

Allison Iraheta
"I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt
This song always reminds me of Carrie Underwood's first audition. So, it's hard because I keep comparing it. I'm glad Allison picked something not so "rock"-ish and I'm glad she finally showed that she does have a range, if ever so briefly. She definitely made it her own, but I don't think it was that good, especially compared to some of the other performances tonight. She's my #3 pick for my Bottom 3.

Matt Giraud
"Part-Time Lover" by Stevie Wonder
This was a very good song choice for Matt; hopefully, good enough that he doesn't get pulled into the Bottom 3 (although it's getting close to the time when the good ones will fall). This song showed off his range, his run capability and, hey, I was digging the hat! Definitely better than last week. This should keep him out of the Bottom 3 tomorrow night.

Adam Lambert
"Mad World" by Tears for Fears
Adam continues to bring it each week and I think he's getting better and better, if that's even possible. This song is so dark and pensive; with Adam's range, he took this song to another level. I'm still kind of shocked that Simon gave him a standing ovation. It was emotional, intimate and awesome.

Lil Rounds
Scott MacIntyre
Allison Iraheta

Anoop Desai

And as an FYI, beginning in the next week or so, we will only be voting for our Bottom 2.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Good-bye Megan "Joy" Corkrey!!!!
And none too soon!

That's all for me folks! I'm off to celebrate!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?
Better be agreein'!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Anything and Everything

The theme, Most Popular that even a theme? Hmm...didn't look so hot, so here goes:


Anoop Desai

"Caught Up" by Usher

I'm afraid that I might have to agree with the judges on this one. Anoop has got such a smooth style, but clearly this was not a good song for him to sing tonight. There are some people who just sound good with a few styles and this style was not it for Anoop. He's been so up and down the last couple of weeks. I don't think he's going to last much longer. Anoop, you're my #2 pick for my Bottom 3.

Megan Corkrey
"Turn Your Lights Down Low" by Bob Marley
Oh Sanjaya...OOPS! I mean, oh Megan. Seriously, she needs to go home. This show is not right for her. She's jazz-styled and that's it. Why did she pick this song to sing? Why does she pick any song that she sings? I haven't heard one REALLY good performance from her. If she remains on this show, it's purely based on her looks and nothing else. Megan, you're my #1 pick for my Bottom 3.

Danny Gokey

"What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts
I really like the timbre of Danny's voice. Ballads are definitely his cup of tea. He really pulled this one out tonight; such a good performance. I think, though, he needs to be careful about the ballads. I agree with this statement: "Danny is good, but this might be all that he is going to bring." Step it up, Danny!

Allison Iraheta

"Don't Speak" by No Doubt

Um, Allison? What's up with your spikey hair? This song didn't really show off anything spectacular. Why didn't she pick a more contemporary piece? Don't get me wrong, I love No Doubt, but maybe Spiderwebs would have been more fun...Allison is my alternate pick.

Scott MacIntyre
"Just the Way You Are" by Billy Joel
Okay, this week, Scott really sang well. Obviously, he's comfortable behind the piano. I mean, it would look pretty awkward with him just standing there singing. Anyhow, it was surprisingly good and I don't expect him to be voted off just yet.

Matt Giraud

"You Found Me" by the Fray

Gosh, how I love his voice! I really like this song and think he did a great job on it. There was a part at the beginning that sounded a little off, but at the end, when he went into his falsetto, oh yah! This was a good song choice for him; definitely not a style I thought he would choose, but he sang it well.

Lil Rounds

"I Surrender" by Celine Dion
This just wasn't Lil's style. I don't understand why she picked this song at all...I mean, she could have added her flavor, but she seemed, oh I don't know, too hesitant? R&B is clearly her thang...maybe she needs to stick to it. I think Lil is my #3 pick for my Bottom 3.

Adam Lambert

"Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry
Adam delivers yet another over the top performance, but man, oh man! I like how he slowed down the verse and sped it up for the chorus. He's very original and probably one of the most memorable. Top 2 anyone?

Kris Allen
"Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers
Fantastic! And I didn't know he could play the piano too! I think Kris could be the secret competition. Yes, he's a cutie, but his performances are always so fresh. Hmm, tomorrow should be interesting!

Megan Corkrey
Anoop Desai
Lil Rounds

Allison Iraheta

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

So Long Sarver

Once more, we have to say good-bye...and tonight, it's to

Michael Sarver

He's that all-around, nice American boy (man?) that everybody loves, but compared to the competition this year, he's just not the one. It's nothing personal. Hey, at least he's on the tour, right?

But is Megan the next Sanjaya? I think so.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gimme Mo...Town

This week's theme was Motown, with Smokey Robinson as the mentor. I've always liked Smokey Robinson, so this was good. Motown usually has a good turnout since there are so many good songs to choose from...unless you're not an R&B type of gal/guy (ahem, Scott).

Let's break it down:

The TOP 10

Matt Giraud: "Let's Get it On" by Marvin Gaye

Oh MAN, does Matt have a sweet voice or what? I loved his beginning, starting on the piano all sleek and then jumping up and dancing. He rocked as a first performance (which doesn't happen all that often)! Smooth vocals, very Justin Timberlake-esque. This guy ain't going anywhere.

Kris Allen: "How Sweet it is to Be Loved By You" by Marvin Gaye (James Taylor)

I love Kris's style; this was so laid back. But to be honest, it wasn't one of my favorites. And I didn't dig the last note either; it sounded like he was shouting the word "you". He is one of my alternate picks for the night.

Scott MacIntyre: "You Can't Hurry Love" by the Supremes

Oh yikes. Need I say anything else? Scott, it's not because you're blind, but because your style isn't right for this show. He's my #2 pick for my bottom 3.

Megan Corkrey: "For Once in My Life" by Stevie Wonder

Anyone remember this phrase: Gag me with a wooden spoon? That's exactly how I felt about this performance. As anyone near and dear to my heart knows, I can't stand this chick. Yah, so she's got a unique voice. So what. She sucks. Sorry Mom, I know you hate that word, but I can't think of anything else that describes how I feel about Megan. You're right, I have no Utah pride. This was a HORRIBLE song choice for her and she has got to go or else she's turning into this season's Sanjaya. Go home, Megan; please, go home. She's obviously my #1 pick for my bottom 3, although with my luck, all the guys that thinks she is hot will vote her to stay. Sigh.

Anoop Desai: "Ooh, Baby, Baby" by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles

Anoop's got soul, but this was not a stand-out performance for me. He's got pipes, why doesn't he use them? Come on, Anoop! He's my other alternate choice for the night.

Michael Sarver: "Ain't to Proud to Beg" by the Temptations

That was torture. He's not going to make it much farther. He likes the fun songs which is fine; I like the fun songs too. But he's not a soul singer and I think he might have been better off with a slower song. He's my #3 choice for my bottom 3.

Lil Rounds: "Heat Wave" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas

Nothing fantastic, but good vocals. No offense to R&B fans, but she sounds just like any other R&B singer. She really doesn't make me think "Wow, she's going to go far." I can't tell the difference between her and any other R&B singer out there. So anyways, yah it was good.

Adam Lambert: "The Tracks of My Tears" by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles

I'm torn; I loved his tender style of this song, I loved that you can see his face and that he looked like a normal guy, he's got a great range...buuuuuut, it just wasn't my favorite of the night. Sure, he pulled a 180 on us and showed us that he can do slow and tender too, but I like my "show-stopper Adam" better than my "wooingly-tender Adam". Still a contender for the Top 3, no doubt. I think he has a really good chance of winning.

Danny Gokey: "Get Ready" by the Temptations

Oh Danny...this was good, but he's starting to remind me of Melinda Doolittle from Season 6: he hits it every time and now it's starting to get a little mundane because he's always so good. Great vocals as usual.

Allison Iraheta: "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" by the Temptations

Okay, this was my favorite performance of the night. Where was this Allison the last two weeks? She kept getting complimented and I'm thinking, "What makes her so special? Nothing she has sung makes me feel otherwise". UNTIL TONIGHT...this was the perfect song for her and she has a range! I didn't think she did, but she does. And she's 16, ladies and gentlemen! Way to bring it home, Alli.

Megan Corkrey

Scott MacIntyre

Michael Sarver


Anoop Desai

Kris Allen

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

And does anyone else think this picture of Scott is funny?

And someone please CUT HIS HAIR!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not-So-Amazing Grace

This week we bid adieu to:

Alexis Grace

I think her exit was a little premature; Scott and Lil did worse than she did. But you know, everyone will get voted off at some point.

She's cute and has a big voice for such a little girl...she'll make it somewhere.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grand Ole Time!

Tonight's theme for the Top 11 was the Grand Ole Opry (a.k.a. country music night). I, for one, was impressed by the talent; there seems to be only one genuine country boy (Michael Sarver) amongst our contenders and almost all of them pulled off their own versions of their songs. Check it out!


Michael Sarver
Ain't Going Down 'Til the Sun Comes Up by Garth Brooks

This song was a crowd-pleaser and definitely a good one to start the show off with. I would say that Paula was easily impressed with the amount of words, but heck, even I was impressed! Michael is a country boy for sure and showed it off tonight. I thought he did a pretty good job, but for lack of bad singers tonight, he is one of my alternate picks.

Allison Iraheta
Blame It On Your Heart by
Patty Loveless
Allison has got that raspy rock voice, yet pulled off this song. As Randy put it, her performance was DOPE and I agree. She put a rock spin on it just by having that raspy voice. This song was a good choice for her; ain't no way she's leaving tomorrow.

Kris Allen
Make You Feel My Love by Garth Brooks

This was my second favorite of the night. Kris has got such a gorgeous voice; it's so smooth. I also love that he can sing without his guitar (remember Brooke White's odd dance movements without her instruments). It was such a mellow rendition and I loved it!

Lil Rounds
Independance Day by Martina McBride

Oh Lil...she has such tremendous talent and yet she chose this song, which only made me think that Carrie Underwood did it so much better during country week on Season 4. This was just not a good song for her and it might hurt her chances to continue on, considering all of the good performances tonight. She is my 2nd choice for my bottom 3.

Adam Lambert
Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash

I'll be honest; I hated Chris Daughtry's rendition of this song, so I immediately assumed I'd hate Adam's as well. PSHAH! It was an interesting take, but MAN does Adam have PIPES! It was theatrical, smooth...he could win this competition.

Scott MacIntyre
Wild Angels by Martina McBride

I wasn't sure about this one; it was so blah. Nothing impressed me at all. Unfortunately, I don't think Scott is going to last much longer. He is my #1 choice for my bottom 3. And will somebody please cut his hair?

Alexis Grace
Jolene by Dolly Parton

I thought her bluesy style was great, but out of all the other performances, it just didn't stand out tonight. She has such a beautiful voice and I thought this song was true to her talent. So, she's my 3rd choice for my bottom 3.

Danny Gokey
Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood

Can this guy be any better? I seriously got goosebumps when he went into the chorus and it just went up and up from there. Oh, that voice! This was a good song choice for him (and almost got me crying when I thought of how he's a widow at such a young age). Can't wait to see him in the Top 3!

Anoop Desai
You're Always On My Mind by Brenda Lee/Willie Nelson

I'm so glad that Anoop picked a song that showcased his talent. This song was perfect for him and he did such a good job singing it. He definitely has a range and put it to use. But unless he steps it up a notch, he may not last too much longer.

Megan Corkrey
I Go Walking After Midnight by Patsy Cline

Sigh. She's got the look, I loved her dress, the judges loved her...but I just don't DIG her voice. She's too awkward sounding for me. Something about the way she enunciates and squeaks. She'll stick around because she's good-looking, but no matter what, she is on my alternate list.

Matt Giraud
So Small by Carrie Underwood

Wowee! I love Matt's voice! I felt like I was at a Matt Giraud concert it was that good. He was a good song to end with. I think we'll be seeing Matt for a while.

Just a comment on my part: Can Paula complete a sentence without pausing in the middle of it? Hmm. Tough one.

Lil Rounds
Scott MacIntyre
Alexis Grace

Michael Sarver
Megan Corkrey

Comments? Agree? Disagree?


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good-Bye Sweetheart!

Time to say good-bye to:

Jasmine Murray


Jorge Nunez

Let's keep weeding them out!

A few comments:
1. Did anyone think that Paula was on drugs?
2. What's up with Ryan asking the judges
if they want to save the singers each and every time?
Come on, spare the shame Ryan!
3. And I think the save rule is stupid, but whatever.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

13? Maybe a Good 4 or 5...

Okay, so I was travelling last week and didn't get a chance to blog. Let's talk about last night:

I was disappointed that they chose a Michael Jackson theme. He's too hard to sing to and really, I don't think there are many good songs to choose from. MJ is a class of his own...


Lil Rounds: "The Way You Make Me Feel"
Simon said this was a lazy choice for a song and I have to agree. She has a fantastic voice and did a good job, but definitely an easy song choice. She'll definitely be around for next week.

Scott MacIntyre: "Keep the Faith"
Thank you for playing the piano, Scott. I think it helped him to make the song his own. He doesn't have a fantastic voice, but he's definitely an original. Good song choice.

Danny Gokey: "PYT"
I love Danny! He's one of my favorites for sure! I think he did a really good job last night. We'll be seeing a lot more from him.

Michael Sarver: "You Are Not Alone"
As Bryce says, starting out sitting on the steps is a sure way to get voted off. Michael has a really good R & B voice, but this song wasn't fantastic. Very mellow, smooth, but he'd better be careful. Bryce gives him the boot, but I think he's safe for this week.

Jasmine Murray: "I'll Be There"
Jasmine needs to be careful with her song choices or she'll find herself off of the show. She has a pretty voice and sang well last night, but it sounded like a high school talent show in my opinion. She's one of my alternate choices for tonight.

Kris Allen: "Remember the Time"
Very original take with the guitar to be sure. He has a wonderful voice and great personality, but this song was just weird for me. I think it fell apart towards the end. He's my second alternate choice for the night.

Allison Iraheta: "Give it To Me"
She has such a good voice, so raspy, but this song was retarded for me. It didn't show off her range or power and I felt a little awkward watching a 16 year-old sing this song. But she's too good to leave just yet.

Anoop Desai: "Beat It"
Oh no! Why this song? It didn't show off his voice, it was so plain...unfortunately for Anoop-Dog, he's my 2nd choice for my bottom 3. Poor Anoop. Maybe fate will be kind, but then he'd better step it up a notch.

Jorge Nunez: "Never Can Say Good-Bye"
Why is he on this show? He has an okay voice, but this song sounded like it belonged on a Latin radio station (no offense to any Latin music lovers, but it was too weird). It seemed to "showy" for me. He's my 3rd choice for my bottom 3.

Megan Corkrey: "Rockin' Robin"

This song was so wrong in so many ways. It was the most awkward performance I have ever seen. She seemed so weird singing this song. I'm sure she has a great voice, but this did not showcase anything for me. She's my 1st choice for my bottom 3.

Adam Lambert: "Black and White"

Why Adam has not been signed to any label is beyond me. He has such a unique voice. I'm so glad to see him in the Top 13 and I can see him making it to the Top 3 for sure. I think he stole the show at that point.

Matt Giraud: "Natural"

Oh, so smooth and mellow! I loved this performance. He had a fantastic falsetto. Bryce immediately compared him to Justin Timberlake and I agreed. Keep it up Matt and you'll make it in this competition.

Alexis Grace: "Dirty Diana"

This girl can sing! This was a great song choice for her; her style for sure. This was one of the few good performances tonight. Seeing that voice come out of her little body is a shock, but still wonderful!

Megan Corkrey
Anoop Desai
Jorge Nunez

Jasmine Murray
Kris Allen

Tune in tonight to see which two get voted off and brings us to our Top 11.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Movin' Right Along

Congratulations to:

Kris Allen

Allison Iraheta

Adam Lambert

They are joining Danny Gokey, Alexis Grace and Michael Sarver
in the Top 12!

Honestly, the competition is quite boring at this point. There aren't that many good performances, which makes it very easy to pick who is moving on. Here's to hoping that next week brings some good talent!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When Does the Real Competition Start?

Okay, I love the fact that now it's America's time to vote, but I also hate it when they're whittling it down to the Top 12 because you're still getting the "why are they on here" vibe from some of the contestants.

Tonight's show was better than last week's, but still, not fantastic. It was really hard to even pick three, much less an alternate, in my opinion. Oh well. Let's break it down:

Jasmine Murray, 17- "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles
Not a great performance. I like "Love Song", but it lacks a performing quality to it. It's a pleasant song to hear on the radio, but not one I would choose to sing in front of millions to help keep me on the show. She's got a pretty voice, but this song didn't showcase her.

Matt Giraud, 23- "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay
Why a Coldplay song on American Idol? Again, pleasant to hear on the radio, maybe even cooler to see Coldplay perform it, but not one I would sing on national television. I don't think he did that great of a job. Just not a song for him.

Jeanine Vailes, 27- "This Love" by Maroon 5
Weird song choice...I feel like I keep repeating myself. When are these people going to realize that just because you like the song, doesn't mean that A) you sound good singing it and B) it's a song that you would sing in a competition. She did a horrible job with this song. She was (and I sound like Simon) horrible karaoke.

Nick Mitchell, a.k.a. Norman Gentle (or however it's spelled), 27- "And I Am Telling You" by Jenifer Holiday
SERIOUSLY? Should I even be commenting on this? Why bring an alter ego to the stage? And why is he singing this song? Maybe a comedy show would be more suited for Mr. Gentle...

Allison Iraheta, 16- "Alone" by Heart
16 years old, people! 16! Did I sound like this at 16? Okay, invalid question!! Anyways, Wow! She blew me away! Great vocals...Heart is hard to sing and she nailed the song. She was my #2 pick for the night!

Kris Allen, 23- "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson
Not another MJ song! I like this song a lot, but really? Anyhow, he actually did a good job on this song and has a really nice voice. He's my alternate pick for the night.

Megan Corkrey, 22- "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Bailey Rae
This performance was interesting for me. I liked it a lot; her phrasing was unique, but she sounded pitchy at times. I think she did alright.

Matt Breitzke, 27- "If You Could Only See" by Tonic
This song totally reminds me of high school. Anyways, I thought he did a pretty good job, nice vocals. Sure, it's not a song that takes risks, but he sounded good to me. He's my #3 pick of the night.

Jesse Langseth, 25- "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes
She has almost a bluesy voice, but definitely a good song for her. She's not one of the more commercialized contestants this season, so I don't think she'll be in the Top 12, but who knows...maybe she'll make it through the Wildcard Round.

Kai Kalama, 26- "What Becomes of the Brokenhearted" by Jimmy Ruffin
Ooh, so smooth of a voice, but I think he played it safe this week. This is not a hard song to sing. The ending wasn't very good, kind of shaky.

Mishavonna Henson, 18- "Drops of Jupiter" by Train
I think this was the wrong song for her; I think her voice would be better suited for some Lauryn Hill. It just didn't work, but I like the timbre of her voice.

Adam Lambert, 26- "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones
What a range! What a voice! Definitely the best of the night. Honestly, a little over the top, but he's destined to be in the Top 12, what with his uniqueness and all. He was my #1 pick of the night.

My Picks:
Adam Lambert
Allison Iraheta
Matt Breitzke

Alternate Pick:
Kris Allen

Comments? Agree? Disagree?
Make sure you vote on the sidebar!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who Made it Through?

Congratulations to:

Danny Gokey

Alexis Grace

Michael Sarver

They are in the Top 12!

I was a little shocked about Michael Sarver actually making it, even though I called him as my alternate. I think Anoop has a good shot at making it in the Wildcard Round. Maybe even Tatiana, but we'll see.

Comments? Disagree? Agree?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Let The Eliminations Begin...

Tonight, the first group of 12 sang their hearts out for 3 spots in the Top 12. And let me say that there were so many horrible performances, it was easy for me to pick them out.

Jackie Tohn, 28- A Little Less Conversation by Elvis Presley
Seriously, you wear spandex on national tv? Poor Jackie. Poor outfit choice and seriously poor song choice. It was a horrible performance; this song was not for her. She sounded like she was shouting for some of it. Two thumbs down.

Ricky Braddy, 26- A Song For You by Leon Russell
If you're asking who, then you're right...I don't remember this guy either. Um, he has a nice voice and good control, but I think based on popularity, he may not make it through to the Top 12. It was a good song choice for him, in my opinion.

Alexis Grace, 21- Never Loved a Man by Aretha Franklin
Aretha songs are hard, but Alexis seemed to pull of a not-so-strong version of it. Personally, it wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't horrible either. The judges loved it, she has cool pink hair and she's cute, so she may make it through. I've liked her from the beginning for sure. She's my #2 pick of the night.

Brent Keith, 29- Hicktown by Jason Aldean
Nice country tune to croon to, but it wasn't remarkable. With that said, again based on popularity, he may not make it through. But the country fans out there may pull through.

Stevie Wright, 17- You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
Traaaaain train wreck. Her low vocals were awful, she sounded nervous...what happened? She's got a snowball's chance of making it through.

Anoop Desai, 22- Angel of Mine by Monica
Odd choice, but I liked it a lot. Very smooth vocals and a good delivery. I thought it was a kind of safe song, but you're going to hear a lot of those in the next few weeks. His voice totally doesn't match his body, but it worked. He is my #3 choice of the night.

Casey Carlson, 20- Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by the Police
Horrible, awful, ginormous mistake...need I go on? She sounded totally nervous, facial expressions were silly...bad, bad song choice. And does she look too made up to be 20? I think so. Did anyone think of The Office episode when Phyllis gets married and Karen sings this song during her reception???

Michael Sarver, 27- I Don't Wanna Be by Gavin DeGraw
I love, love, LOVE this song and I thought his delivery was pretty good. He's a very likeable guy, good looking...I wonder how he would do with country. He is my alternative pick for the night.

Anne Marie Boskovich, 22- Natural Woman by Aretha Franklin
I didn't think she had the chops to pull of this song. Aretha is hard. It was okay, but really, too big of a song for her voice.

Stephen Fowler, 26- Rock With You by Michael Jackson
This is one of my favorite MJ songs and I just don't think Stephen pulled it out of the hat. It was kind of corny, but at least he was energetic. Very forgettable, to quote Mr. Cowell.

Tatiana Del Toro, 24- Saving All My Love for You by Whitney Houston
DQ all the way. She was weird tonight. She can actually sing, which is surprising, but was she good enough to go through? Based on her DQness, I hope not. But hey, there's always someone up for some drama, right? Not a bad performance.

Danny Gokey, 28- Hero by Mariah Carey
Not a song I would have chosen for him, but he pulled it off. And with me thinking of how he just lost his wife last year, almost made me cry. Definitely my favorite of the night...#1 pick of the night for sure. I knew he was destined for the Top 12 and I will be absolutely shocked if he doesn't go through.

The last performance by Danny was special because...Paula did her special clap. Oh Lord. And to anyone that was watching, "sold-out arenas", hyphen or no hyphen, is THREE words, not two.

My Picks:
Danny Gokey
Alexis Grace
Anoop Desai

Alternative Pick:
Michael Sarver

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hollywood Week, Part Two: Top 36

Finally, the show is about to get down to business. Of course, my favorite part of AI is when the Top 12 are revealed because you know they are the best of the best (at least, they usually are...I think Sanjaya, Scott Savol, Kellie Pickler, to name a few, made it for who knows what reasons).

So, last night I was excited to see some of my favorites make it through. I have to admit that there were only a few disappointments on my part (Tatiana anyone), but overall, this is going to be a good season. I will predict right now that this year's winner will be R&B because I don't see a huge variety of singers as we've had in the past (Carrie Underwood, Bo Bice, David Cook, Carly Smithson, Constantine, Blake Lewis, etc.). But I could be wrong.

Anyhow, here's the Top 36 for your enjoyment (in order as they were shown last night):

Anoop Desai
Von Smith
Alex Wagner-Trugman: This was the self-taught closer singer. Although he was forced to sing for his life against Cody-the-horror-film-maker, he deserved it.
Adam Lambert: He should be in "Rent".
Taylor Vaifanua: From Hurricane, UT, only a 15 minute ride from my house.
Jasmine Murray
Arianna Asfar: Remember her? The clean-cut HS student who is a granfriend?
Casey Carlson
Megan Corkrey
Mishavonna Henson: Made it to Hollywood, Season 7, but was cut before they picked the Top 24.
Stevie Wright
Joanna Pacitti: This girl has been causing nothing but trouble with AI gossips. She's had label offers, was recognized by Kara at her audition, yet she forgot her words twice during Hollywood week. Okay, so she's in the Top 36, but that doesn't mean she's going to make it all the way. It doesn't matter to me either way only 'cause I don't think she'll win.
Kendall Beard
Kristen MacNamara: Yah, I agree Paula, her outfit was horrible.
Alexis Grace: Love her, love her, love her...I predict Top 12.
Scott MacIntyre: No surprise here, but we'll see how he does outside of his comfort zone.
Lil Rounds: Tornado victim, but a typical R&B/hip hop singer to me.
Jesse Langseth
Allison Iraheta: Only 16, but there have been contestants that young before in the Top 12.
Danny Gokey: He has the most amazing voice! I definitely predict the Top 12; he's a shoe-in.
Ricky Braddy
Matt Giraud: The dueling piano player...definitely digging his style. I'd love to see him make the Top 12.
Ju'not Joyner
Jorge Nunez
Brent Keith
Stephen Fowler: Not sure if I agree with this one since his last performance wasn't that great. I guess we'll see how far he makes it.
Nick Mitchell (Norman Gentle): Didn't really agree with this one, but there always has to be something, right?
Jackie Tohn
Tatiana Del Toro: Is she for real? I don't think she'll make it past all the voters, but who knows...Sanjaya did. But he didn't start to get annoying until after he made the Top 12. I DID NOT agree with this one at all.
Nathaniel Marshall: Almost reminds me of Danny Noriega a little bit. I liked his headbands though.
Jeanine Vailes
Kai Kalama: From HI and cool style. I've liked him from the beginning.
Anne Marie Boskovich
Kris Allen
Matt Breitzke: The welder...okay voice, but I didn't want to see him go either.
Michael Sarver: The oil-rigger...if they were going to pick between Michael and Matt, Michael should have been the pick, but I'm happy. He's got an amazing voice.

Some disappointments:
Why oh why didn't Jamar Rogers make it through? I liked his version of "Hey There Delilah" better than Ju'not's. I was very sad to see him go and I think Danny Gokey was too.

Obviously the fact that Tatiana will still be "gracing" my tv screen next week. Shall I start a "No More Screaming" fan club? "Ohhh, I'm aliiiive! Aaaaahhhh!" Sheesh.

The fact that Nathaniel made it past Jackie Midkiff...Nathaniel is too much drama for me.

Will Nick be performing or will it be Norman Gentle? Anyone remember the season where Dave made it through to Hollywood Week simply because the judges were tired, cranky and he was just standing there screaming and shaking his body? Okay, so "Norman" can sing, but is he going through because of Norman or Nick? Pick a persona please and "shtick" to it.

But wait, there's more: Just saw on that Joanna Pacitti has been disqualified for unknown reasons (hmm). Felicia Barton will be taking her place...interesting.

Here's how it will go: The Top 36 have been split into three groups of 12. The first group will perform next Tuesday, we vote, then the vote-off is Wednesday. Repeat second week and third week. I will be posting a poll each Tuesday night for you to vote who should go home. I don't remember who is in the first group of 12 except for a few names (Tatiana, Danny, Stephen...).

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hollywood Week, Part Two: Down to 54

Before I begin, I realize that I didn't post about Hollywood Week, Part One. This is because I only saw about 10 minutes of the first night and nothing of the second night. Sigh. We need DVR or Tivo.

Anyhow, I was pleased with the format of last night's show. They showed a lot of performances and only a little drama. Speaking of drama, I seriously hope that Tatiana Del Toro gets the boot tonight. She doesn't deserve to be in the Top 36, Top 24 or the Top 12. I don't think she even deserved to go onto the selection for tonight, but whatever. I don't think she sings that well either.

I LOVE Jamar Rogers (Hey There Delilah) and Danny Gokey (I Hope You Dance). Both of them have the chops to make it to the Top 12, in my opinion. Does it make a difference if I said I really like the song "Hey There Delilah"??

I didn't like Scott MacIntyre's version of "Home" by Daughtry. I don't think the vocals were as good as his audition. The funny thing is, every news piece I've read with him mentioned in it (strictly speaking, last night only), says that he did a great job. Hmm. Don't agree with that at all.

Not a big Norman Gentle fan either. I think that says it all.

I've got to give Stephen Fowler props for trying with "Time of My Life" (don't own the David Cook CD should...totally rocks). I was glad to see he made it through to tonight's round simply because he has the chops, but nerves totally got the best of him. Hey, if Brooke White can restart a song on live tv, what's wrong with restarting during Hollywood Week? Oh, maybe the chance that you won't even make it to the Top 12? We'll see.

Overall, I really enjoyed last night's show. I'm anxious to see who our Top 36 will be. Tune in tomorrow to find out!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Squished Into One Post

Okay, here are the last two nights squished into one post:

Being compared to Justin Guarini isn't always a good thing...that being said, Joshua Ulloa is still going on to Hollywood. Hmm. No more sound effects hopefully.

T.K. Hash sang one of my favorite songs, "Imagine". Not a big fan of tricking it up, but hey, everyone has their own deal, right?

Darin Darnell, who spent most of the audition crying, was a sad sight. I can't wait for Hollywood Week.

Surprised to see an Osmond? Living in Utah, all you hear about are the Osmonds, so I guess I wasn't surprised to see one on American Idol. He has chops, but hopefully David Osmond doesn't go through based on his famous family.

Why do they keep showing the auditioners who are dressed ridiculously? This is NOT why I watch AI.

Taylor Vaifanua, from Hurricane (which is about 20 minutes away from where I live and not that big of a town either) blew me away. Wish I sang like her when I was 16.

Rose Flack, our sob story of the night; okay. That's all I can say about that one.

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Okay, so I've been sick and haven't been able to blog about Wednesday's here it is!

I was much happier this time around because they showed more good auditions than bad. Still not sure if I like Kara or not. I guess I'll have to wait until Hollywood week comes around, which THANK GOODNESS is soon!

I LOVED the stay-at-home mom, Alexis Grace; she was super cute and I loved her voice. I'm interested to see how she performs during Hollywood week for sure.

The dude (I missed his name) that sang country was super cute and had a great voice. We need more country in the Top 12.

Another sob story, but she sang well...Leneshe Young. She's cute, she's young and she's got a fantastic voice, not to mention good writing chops. Kara should appreciate that.

What was up with the uber-nerd drinking out of Paula's cup? Retarded. And the scary looking hillbilly who was "threatening" the judges? That was overplayed by far, but AI needs all the drama it can get, right? Sigh.
And did anyone get confused by Paula's super-conservative dress and then her boob-popping dress?

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where Were the Good Auditions?


They say that there's going to be more good auditions, but come on! Last night was a huge disappointment:

Giggly Girl with Homemade Dress, Mr. Sofa King, Little Drunken Annie, Miss "Tray-she-uh" Trachea...

I guess my favorite was Kai Kalama; he had the best voice out of all of the "good" auditions.

Please let tonight be better!

Comments? Agree? Disagree?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Anyone Have Tivo?

Alas, I missed the show last this point, it doesn't bother me too much since it's just the auditions. So, per, here are some highlights they thought worthy to point out:

Casey Carlson, the girl next door; apparently she was sugar and spice and everything nice. We like girls like that until they get corrupted by Hollywood week. She sang Vanessa Carlton, who is a decent singer, and did a good job at it.

Andrew Lang and his cheerleaders; barely made it through with "My Girl", but got cocky and kept singing (tried "Ain't to Proud to Beg) and lost his Hollywood spot. Ego, anyone?

Michael Castro, brother of Jason Castro; J got to be a bit too much last season, but hopefully his brother will turn out to be the better performer. Very interesting.

Lil' Rounds, a "mix between Fantasia and Mary J. Blige"; hmm. Kind of bummed I did miss this one because I like both artists.

Also, mentioned a blurb about the power of the votes (meaning the judges); that Randy, Paula and Kara have teamed up to thwart Simon's chances of voting of someone Hollywood week-worthy. That's interesting because usually women tend to flock together and Simon is always fighting with Paula. It will be interesting to see if Kara ever disagrees with Paula...

Soo, comments? Agree? Disagree?